Zubair Barkat

Sociology, CANRI

Graduate Student

Zubair Barkat

Contact Information

Email: a02365710@usu.edu


Zubair Barkat is a sociology Ph.D. student focusing on the Environment and Community. Currently, He is working with Dr.Jessica Schad on USDA funded Smart Foodscape project (www.usu.edu/smart-foodscapes). His research focuses on predicting the environmental and decision-making factors that are associated with the intentions of ranchers to adopt new practices and their relative importance. Before pursuing his doctoral studies, Zubair worked as a development researcher and his clients include implementing agencies like UK Aid, USAID, SDC, Care, Palladium, Swisscontact, Nathan Associates, SNV, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Winrock International, and BRAC. He earned a master’s in development studies from Brac university and an MSc in engineering from the University of Magdeburg-Germany. He wants to be a professor and/or a sociologist and/or a writer most days of the week. Outside of work, Zubair enjoys reading and listening to music. He misses his dogs and the smell of bread baking and coffee shops in Europe.