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The Age of the Gas Mask by Dr. Susan Grayzel: Book Launch


Join us for an online discussion with historian, Dr. Susan R. Grayzel, about her new book, The Age of the Gas Mask. Zoom registration required! Register at https://usu-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rdO2rqz4iGdO6MAxjQ4Z9kJAjcsycfQRy

11:00 am - 1:00 pm |

USU Bringing War Home Project Roadshow Wendover Historic Airfield Museum

Special Event

USU students and faculty are reaching out to veterans military families, and community members to document your experiences with America's modern wars. Please bring your objects, artifacts, heirlooms, and above all stories to our upcoming event.

10:00 am - 2:00 pm |

Start of POW/MIA 24-hr Vigil

Special Event

USU AFROTC Detachment 860 will host a 24-hour vigil with uniformed guards honoring America’s prisoners of war (POW) and those soldiers still considered missing in action (MIA) in observance of Veterans Day. To start this vigil, an AFROTC cadet Honor Guard will post the colors on the Quad in front of a cadet formation. Spectators may observe the start of the vigil, and any portion, during the 24-hour period (5pm, 10 Nov, to 5pm, 11 Nov). POW and MIA service members are honored on Veterans Day, not Memorial Day, because they have not yet been officially declared Killed in Action.

4:45 pm - 5:00 pm | Quad |

Seminar by Dr. Lori Hunter: Environmental Dimensions of Human Migration


Dr. Lori Hunter, Professor and Director of the Population Program at the Institute of Behavioral Science at the University of Colorado Boulder, will present a seminar on the Environmental Dimensions of Human Migration. Dr. Hunter’s research focuses on human-environment interactions, with specific examinations of migration and climate change connections, particularly in the context of natural resource-dependent rural livelihoods across the globe. This seminar is sponsored by the Community and Natural Resource Institute (CANRI), the Yun Kim Population Research Lab, the Mountain West Center for Regional Studies, and the Tanner Talks Committee. Please contact Dr. Jessica Schad for more information (jessica.schad@usu.edu).

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |




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