
Major, Minor


Students of philosophy question human problems, from existence and reality to language, religion, and values. The philosophy program is designed to give students a rigorous foundational knowledge of the nature of philosophy: its origins, development, and the implications it may have on other areas of study. The focused program allows students to generate ideas and develop research and communication skills while maintaining an atmosphere of community within their courses.

Career Application

With the critical-thinking skills developed in this program, many students continue their education in law, medical school, politics, or graduate studies in the humanities. For students who wish to gain employment right after graduation, it is highly recommended that they dual major. Though they will most likely become employed in fields relating to their second major, the skills and expertise developed in the philosophy program will give them extra advantages in interviews and during their employment.

Program Highlights

Debate Team

Develop public speaking skills, practice your analytical abilities, and gain confidence while competing as part of an award-winning team.

Ethics Bowl

Practice effective communication, socialize with like-minded students and debate ethical dilemmas in competitions.

Ethics Slam

An open-mic discussion series about ethical dilemmas, from robotics to shaming to free speech and the internet.

Philosophy Club

In the spirit of Plato's Academy, participate in a forum for the discussion of all issues in the domain of philosophy.

Alumni Advice

Jason Nelson

Tune in to watch Jason Nelson (BS JCOM Public Relations & Corporate Communication) discussing interviewing skills.

The Value of an Inclusive Education

Listen in as several alumni of color reflect on their time at USU and discuss its impact on their careers. Learn from their professional experiences to consider how multicultural education affects students at USU.

Young Alums Panel

Young alums give advice and information about career options post-graduation at our Alumni Lunch Series.

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Scholarships & Financial Aid

  • Utah State University offers many options for financial aid, including university level scholarships and aid available to specific colleges and majors.