Ethics Bowl

Rachel Robison and students

The Ethics Bowl is a debate activity that encourages teams nationwide to think about and respectfully discuss contemporary ethical dilemmas. Unlike the traditional debate format, teams are provided with 15-17 cases and argue for the position they think the strongest arguments support rather than being assigned a side to defend. Topics have ranged from the ethics of protests, free speech and the internet, the Green New Deal, student loan forgiveness, and many, many more.

USU competes in the Ethics Bowl every fall, and the top two teams from the regional competition qualify for nationals. Students from any major are encouraged to participate, and even though team sizes are limited, USU can and has sent more than one team to the regional competition.

March 3, 2023:
Rachel Robison took a team to the Ethics Bowl over the weekend. 
Our team completed their competition and performed really well! They won the Ladenson Spirit of the Ethics Bowl which is given each year to the team that best exemplifies the values of the bowl: Respect, Civility, and Dedication to productive inquiry. This is considered among members of the community to be a huge honor.
Club Contact

Rachel Robison-Greene

Rachel Robison-Greene

Assistant Professor

Philosophy - Communication Studies and Philosophy

Office Location: Main 002H