Margrit Staiger

Graduate Instructor

Margrit Staiger


Margrit grew up in Fargo, North Dakota, and graduated with a degree in French Education from North Dakota State University. During her time at NDSU, she had the opportunity to study abroad in Grenoble, France, for six months. Daily French courses (one being a theater class) and living with a French family became pivotal to her improvement of the language. Post graduation, from 2020-2022, she taught middle school French, all the while receiving mentorship from colleagues in the Fargo French department. Recently Margrit and her husband moved to Logan for the next two years as he completes medical school rotations. Looking to further her second language teaching skills, Margrit applied and was accepted to the MSLT program. She is excited to gain insight from professors and learn alongside classmates who are passionate about language and culture. Outside of school and work, she loves hiking, reading, playing Bananagrams, cooking, and spending time with friends and family.