Masaki Minobe

Japanese - World Languages and Cultures

Assistant Professor

Masaki Minobe

Contact Information

Office Location: Logan

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Languages and Cultures, Purdue University, USA 2024
M.A. in Languages and Cultures, Purdue University, USA 2021
M.A. in International Relations, Ritsumeikan University, Japan 2014
M.A. in Diplomacy and Foreign Policy, Lancaster University, UK 2013
B.A. in International Relations, Ritsumeikan University, Japan 2011


Masaki Minobe holds a Ph.D. in Languages and Cultures with a focus on Japanese Pedagogy from Purdue University. His academic pursuits revolve around Japanese pedagogy, leaner autonomy, narrative inquiry, and computer-assisted systems for teaching and learning Japanese. Before joining Utah State University, Masaki taught Japanese at various institutions, including Yangtze University in China, Naragakuen University in Japan, and Purdue University in the United States. He also participated in the Japanese Language Education Assistant Program (J-LEAP), jointly sponsored by the Japan Foundation and the Laurasian Institution, teaching Japanese at Kearny High School in New Jersey. Masaki co-authored the online elementary-level Japanese language textbooks Learn Japanese Online (Book 1 and 2).