Doris McGonagill

German - World Languages and Cultures

Associate Professor

Doris McGonagill

Contact Information

Office Location: Logan (MAIN 341D)
Phone: +1 435 797 9181
Additional Information:

Educational Background

Ph.D., Harvard University, 2006
Staatsexamen (German State Examination), Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg 1997/8
M.A. in German, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada 1992


Doris McGonagill received her Ph.D. in Germanic Languages and Literatures from Harvard University. She also holds an MA in German from Dalhousie University, Halifax (Canada), and German Staatexamen in German Literature & Linguistics, European History, European Art History, and Pedagogy (Pädagogikum) from Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg (Germany). She has been teaching at USU since 2009.

Professional Experience Assistant Professor (Limited Term), Department of German, Dalhousie University, 2006–2009
Teaching Fellow/Head Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, 1999–2005

Instructor of Language and Literature, Goethe-Institut Boston, 1998–1999

German Instructor, The Boston Language Institute, 1998–1999

Instructor, Heidelberger Paedagogikum & Inlingua Language Institute, 1996–1998

Tutor/Marker, Institut für Deutsch als Fremdsprachenphilologie, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg, 1993–1995

Teaching Assistant, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 1991–1992

Other Academic Positions
Non-Resident Tutor in German, Pforzheimer House, Harvard University, 2004–2005

Curatorial Assistant Busch-Reisinger Museum (Harvard University), Exhibition "As though my body were nought but ciphers”: Crises of Representation in Fin-de-siècle Vienna, Cambridge, Mass., 2005

Editorial Assistant, The Medieval Academy of America, 1998–1999

Research Assistant, Frühneuhochdeutsches Wörterbuch, a project of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 1990–1997
• Eco-Criticism & Environmental Humanities

• Contemporary German Culture and Popular Debate

• German Literature and Intellectual

• History from the 18th through the 21st centuries

• Literature and the Visual Arts

• Memory Discourses & Poetics of Memory

• German Language Pedagogy and Second Language Acquisition

“Wal-Verwandtschaften: Der Diskurs über die Giganten der Ozeane in der deutschen Literatur,” accepted for Tierstudien 23 (2023).

Section Editor (Forum Section): “Tom Kühnel and Jürgen Kuttner’s Hasta la Westler, Baby! at Deutsches Theater Berlin,” Andererseits: Transatlantic Yearbook of German Studies 2023 [scheduled for fall/winter 2023].

“Excavating Transatlantic Climates: An Archeology of Climate Discourse between Germany and the United States,” co-authored with Lawrence Culver, Climate Cultures in Europe and North America: New Formations of Environmental Knowledge and Action, ed. Thorsten Heimann et al. Routledge 2022: 25-45.

“Billige Gehässigkeit: Zur Fußnote “Grüner wird’s nicht” von Manfred Schirmer,” Fuldaer Zeitung 143/2022 (23 June 2022): 6.

“Aggies on Broomsticks: The Magic That Happens When Literature Spills over into Real Life,” Liberalis: Freedom to Think, Discover, Create, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Utah State University, 4 (2019): 23-26.

“Journey into the Unknown: Memory, Identity, and Narrative in Christoph Ransmayr’s The Last World,” in Glaubenssysteme/Belief Systems in Austrian Literature, Thought and Culture, ed. Michael Boehringer et al. Vienna: Praesens, 2017: 194-215.

“The Fairytale Forest as Memory Site: Romantic Imagination, Cultural Construction, and a Hybrid Approach to Teaching the Grimms’ Fairytales and the Environment,” New Approaches to Teaching Folk and Fairy Tales, ed. Claudia Schwabe and Christa Jones. Logan: Utah State University Press & University Press of Colorado, 2016: 63-78.

Crisis & Collection: German Visual Memory Archives of the 20th Century. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2015. “In Living Memory: Tolkien’s Trees and Sylvan Landscapes as Metaphors of Cultural Memory,” We Should Look at Green Again: Representations of Nature in Middle-earth, edited by Martin Simonson, Zollikofen, Switzerland: Walking Tree Publishers, 2015: 139-168.

“Memory and Mask: Aby Warburg on the American Geographical West, the European Ideological West, and the Ontogenesis of Images,” Connections: European Studies Annual Review 10 (2014): 46-58.

“In einer Art Niemandsland”: Stadtlandschaft und Erinnerungsszene im Erzählwerk W. G. Sebalds,” Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik 46.1 (2014): 99-119.

“Widerfahrnis und Widerstand: Großstadterfahrung im erzählerischen Werk W. G. Sebalds,” TRANS. Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften (18, 2011).

“Über die allmähliche Verfertigung visueller Erkenntnisse beim Zeichnen: Gerhard Richters graphisches Werk,” Triëdere: Periodikum für Theorie und Kunst 1 (2011): 15-33.

“‘Keinem bleibt seine Gestalt’: Identität und Alterität in Christoph Ransmayrs Roman Die letzte Welt,” MALCA – E-Journal der Universität Wien 1 (2010).

“Die Farbe Blau im lyrischen Werk Else Lasker-Schülers,” TRANS. Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 17 (2010).

“A New Science of Beauty: Jacopo de Barbari introduces Albrecht Dürer to a method of drawing the human figure according to a canon of proportion,” A New History of German Literature, ed. David E. Wellbery et al. Cambridge, MA: Belknap–Harvard University Press, 2005: 209-214.

Empowering Teaching Excellence Master Teacher Certificate, Utah State, 2022

Certificate in Effective College Instruction, Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) & American Council on Education (ACE), 5/2022

Creative Activity and Research Enhancement (CARE) Award, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Utah State, 2022

Max Kade Research Travel Grant, 2022

The Berlin Seminar on German Literary Institutions, University of Notre Dame in partnership with the University of Georgia, 2022

Planetary Thinking in the Curriculum, grant & workshop, Utah State Sustainability Program, 2022

Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year, Dept. of World Languages and Cultures, Utah State, 2021

Empowering Teaching Excellence Teaching Scholar Certificate, Utah State, 2021

Honorable Mention, Dean’s Giraffe Award (in recognition of exceptional innovations in teaching and/or research), College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Utah State, 2021

Sustainability Educator of the Year Award, Utah State 2020

Finalist for the Eldon J. Gardner Teacher of the Year Award, Utah State, 2020

Teacher of the Year, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Utah State, 2020 AmeriCorps/Utah Conservation Corps, 2020

Individual Placement Partner Position, funding and structural support for the creation of a CHaSS Student Sustainability Fellowship, 2019

Teacher of the Year, Dept. of Languages, Philosophy & Communication Studies, Utah State, 2019

Mountain West Center Programming Award for conference funding of “Future Memory: Mapping the Anthropocene,” a 1-day interdisciplinary conference at Utah State, 2019

Faculty Travel and Grant, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Utah State, 2019, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2010

USU’s Destinations: Planetary Thinking in the Curriculum, grant & workshop, Utah State Sustainability Program, 2018 and 2017

Glatfelter Faculty Service Award, Dept. of Languages, Philosophy & Communication Studies, Utah State 2015