Li Guo

Chinese - World Languages and Cultures


Li Guo

Contact Information

Office Location: Logan (MAIN 002K)
Phone: +1 435 797 8825
Additional Information:

Educational Background

Ph.D. Comparative Literature, University of Iowa, 2010.
M.A. English Language and Literature, Peking University, China, 2003. 
B.A. English, Shandong University. China, 2000.

Dr. Li Guo teaches Chinese language, literature, film, culture, and Asian cinemas and literatures at USU. Her research interests include late imperial and modern women's literature, gender studies, translation, and popular narratives. She is the author of Women's Tanci Fiction in Late Imperial and Early Twentieth-Century China (Purdue UP, 2015). Her peer-reviewed articles appeared in Modern China Studies (2018), Frontiers of Literary Studies in China (2011, 2014, 2017), Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature (2014), CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (2013, 2015), Film International (2012, 2016), and Consciousness: Literature and the Arts (2011).

Introduction to Modern Chinese Literature and Film, CHIN 3090
Narrative Ethics in East Asian Literature and Film, LANG 3570
Readings in Contemporary Chinese Culture, CHIN 3100
Translating into and from Chinese, CHIN 3540
Chinese Third Year: Reading and Writing, CHIN 3010
Chinese Second Year I & II, CHIN 2010 & CHIN 2020

Late imperial and modern Chinese women’s narratives, sound in film, ethics in East Asian literature and cinema.