Marcus Brasileiro

Portuguese - World Languages and Cultures

Associate Professor

Marcus Brasileiro

Contact Information

Office Location: Logan (MAIN 002L)
Phone: +1 435 797 8539


In general terms, my participations in conferences and the articles published are an extension of my research interest in Brazilian culture. In more specific terms, the focus of my research is contemporary Brazilian cultural production, with emphasis on twentieth century and contemporary Brazilian literature, cinema and music and its interface with political struggles and social movements. During this period, Brazil endured two political dictatorships in the twentieth century, a civil dictatorship under President Getúlio Vargas from 1937 to 1945 and a military dictatorship that lasted twenty-one years, from 1964 to 1985. In my work, I use the Brazilian artistic production to discuss the different modes of representations of social issues that challenge the democratization process of Brazilian society: patriarchy, authoritarianism, gender and sexuality, race relations, and immigration issues.