May Swenson - Resources

Selected Works by May Swenson:

  • Another Animal (1953)
  • A Cage of Spines (1959)
  • To Mix with Time: New and Selected Poems (1963)
  • Poems to Solve (1966)
  • Half Sun Half Sleep: New Poems (1967)
  • Iconographs (1970)
  • More Poems to Solve (1971)
  • Windows & Stones: Selected Poems (Swenson’s translation of the Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer; 1972)
  • New & Selected Things Taking Place (1978)
  • In Other Words (1987)
  • The Love Poems of May Swenson (1991)
  • Nature: Poems Old and New (1994)
  • May Out West (1996)
  • Dear Elizabeth: Five Poems & Three Letters to Elizabeth Bishop (2000)
  • Complete Love Poems (2003)
  • The Centaur (2007)
  • May Swenson: Collected Poems (2013)


Books About May Swenson:

Book Cover - Body My House

Body My House: May Swenson's Work and Life
edited by Paul Crumbley and Patricia M. Gantt

Book Cover - Poets Life in Photos

May Swenson: Poets Life in Photos by R.R. Knudson

Additional Learning:

Brochure to the May Swenson Poetry Path

May Swenson Poetry Path Brochure - Walking Tour in Logan, Utah

Liberalis 2018 - "Path of a Poet"

Deseret News - "'Body My House' is stellar tribute to Swenson"

USU Digital Exhibits - "Women of Caliber, Women of Cache Valley: May Swenson"