"[Poetry is] based in a craving to get ... into the larger, wilder space of things as they are becoming" - "The Poet as Antispecialist"

May Swenson

May Swenson on her front porch

Artist's rendering of Swenson Park

Honoring the legacy of May Swenson, USU’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences re-developed the site of Swenson’s original childhood home to create a gathering place that will enhance the creative arts. The new park aims to build bridges between the campus and nearby Logan neighborhoods, as well as foster understanding among diverse communities of thought.

May Swenson gained international success and acclaim as a progressive thinker who forged her own way, but as it is clear from her work, her family and Cache Valley roots were sincerely important to her as well.

Artist Rendering for Swenson Park

An outdoor events space has been established on the site where a famous poet's hardworking and loving family's house once stood.

The park pays homage to the original home where May Swenson wrote her first poems.

It is a place for new ideas and experiences, firmly rooted in the tradition of Utah State University and Cache Valley.