September 10, 2021

USU English Department Faculty and Students at Utah Humanities Book Festival

Students Anne Schill and Jay Paine, along with Associate Professor Ben Gunsberg, read their creative work at the UtahHumanities BookFestival in late August. The festival aimsto “promote the arts and enhance the quality of life in Utah through the production of an annual outdoor, multi-disciplinary event in downtown Salt Lake City.” Anne, Jay, and Ben each read several poems during their time on stage. Anne read poems titled “Virginity,” “Guardian,” “Lagomorpha,” “Notes froma Man Orbiting Uranus,” and “Aphid Season.” Jay read “a delirious insomniac bumps into a friend who inquires on his well-being” and “Distraction Display.” Ben read “What a Baby,” “North,” and “Good Mix.” The Utah Humanities Book Festival was postponed last year due to the pandemic, so this year’s events featured writers from both 2020 and 2021.The festivalmoved forward with safety precautions in place, and the three poets successfully presented their work and even shared a stage with UtahPoet Laureate, Paisley Rekdal.


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