March 22, 2022

Swenson Writers Series to Host Poet Rick Barot

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Join us for the 2022 Swenson Writers Series, featuring guest poet Rick Barot. Barot will give a reading on Wednes-day, March 23, 2022, at 1:30 PM in the Alumni House. A book signing and light refreshments will follow. A Master Class with Barot will be held at 3:30 PM in the Caine Room (Family Life 212).

Rick Barot
Rick Barot

The reading and Master Class are free and open to the public. Rick Barot's most recent book of poems, The Galleons, was published by Milkweed Editions and was longlisted for the National Book Award. His work has appeared in numerous publications, including Poetry, The New Republic, Tin House, The Kenyon Review, and The New Yorker. He has received fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and Stanford University. He lives in Tacoma, Washington, and directs The Rainier Writing Workshop, the low-residency MFA program in creative writing at Pacific Lutheran University.



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