April 27, 2020

Professor Wins University Service Award

Sonia Manuel-Dupont

Professor Sonia Manuel-Dupont, who holds appointments in two departments, English and Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education, won the Faculty University Service Award at the Robins Ceremony, held virtually April 11, 2020. The honor recognizes and emphasizes excellence in service to the operations and governance of the University. Dr. Manuel-Dupont’s career has featured extraordinary dedication in leadership and service with significant impact on students, colleagues, campus, and even the world.

Dr. Manuel-Dupont came to the Department of English in 1983, and two years later acquired a joint appointment in COMD. With yet a third appointment in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 1987, she has been repeatedly honored for her dedication to teaching and service, most particularly in 1998 as the Carnegie/CASE Professor of the Year for state of Utah.

Over an almost 40-year tenure with USU, Dr. Manuel-Dupont has served on numerous advisory boards including Honors, Phi Kappa Phi, and Women and Gender. She has served on multiple committees within the departments of English and COMD. The English Department’s Honors program was created by Sonia when she worked in concert with Director Joe Morse. Throughout the years, she has served as a willing and able advisor to many Honors theses.

Almost annually, she has led a group of students to Uganda to assist with a rudimentary school and struggling community there. This work of physically building a school, providing women with work and hygienic materials, and teaching children is extraordinary. Fifty-pound suitcases leave the USA with materials and return with local goods for fundraising to support the school. This project provides an educational and service model.

Professor Manuel-Dupont never met a service or leadership activity that she didn’t raise her hand and say, “I’ll do it.” She is the preeminent model of someone who leads a life of service.


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