April 22, 2022

Sink Hollow Publishes Special Contest Issue

Sink Hollow, USU’s international undergraduate literary journal, has published its special Creative Writing Contest issue, which can be found here online. The issue showcases graduate and undergraduate contest top writers of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction, as well as visual artists. Featured writers include: Vinn McBride, Grace Ashby, Mason Goodrich, Basil Payne, Wayson Foy, Joe Rawle, Hannah Lee, Eden Borden, Taylor Franson Marie Skinner, Christopher Nicholson, Bonnie Reeder, and Maddie Thomas.

This is the sixth year the contest has partnered with Sink Hollow, and this special issue provides winning entries with an international audience. The winners will also share their work with our local community when they read at Helicon West on April 28that 7 p.m. in USU’s Library 101. As always, Helicon West is free, uncensored, open to the public, and will include an open mic session. The event is hybrid, with both in-person and Zoom attendance. For more information about the upcoming Helicon West event, including the Zoom link, visit their website here.

Check out our feature on the Creative Writing Contest winners and submissions.


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