October 9, 2022
Jessica River-Mueller

Assistant Professor Jessica Rivera-Mueller published her article, “Inquiry Journal Facilitation: A Writing Assignment for Practicing Exploratory Speech” in volume 6, issue 2 of Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments. Published biannually, Prompt is an online referred journal that features academic writing assignments accompanied by reflective essays. Jessica’s article describes a project for preservice teachers that aids them in developing habits of mind for engaging in critical dialogue about situations they encounter in their clinical teaching sites. Pairing writing with discussion opens up a space for preservice teachers to practice intellectual moves vital to teacher-learning.  

Jessica says, “This article is the product of learning from and with the wonderful students in our English education program. Students' thoughtful contributions through this assignment have helped me clarify my pedagogical aims, thereby sharpening it over time. I'm happy to offer the piece to my colleagues who are also working to prepare preservice teachers for the range of teaching/learning conditions they will confront as they begin teaching and throughout their careers.”