August 17, 2020

Professor Publishes Advice on Slow Writing

The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) published on July 17, 2020, Professor Joyce Kinkead’s essay on the importance of slow writing. She advocates getting in touch—literally—with the tactile and aesthetic pleasures of pen, ink, and paper, particularly in a time when it may be useful to detox from digital devices. Handwritten letters, notes, and cards may be particularly appreciated at this time. Snail mail may be for the “cool kids,” according to The World Needs More Love Letters project. Operation Gratitude seeks letters written to those in the service, veterans, or first-­‐responders (­‐your-­‐thanks/write-­‐letters/). Another option, according to Kinkead, is to consider writing letters to your future self and putting them in a time capsule. Letters can be powerful means of communicating with others. As one manual notes, “A handwritten note is like dining by candlelight instead of flicking on the lights.”


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