September 30, 2020

Dr. Christopher Gonzalez Book Wins the 2020 International Latino Book Award for Best Non-fiction, Multi-Author

Christopher Gonzalez

On September 12th, Dr. Christopher Gonzalez’s co-authored book, Reel Latinxs: Representation in U.S. Film and TV, won the 2020 International Latino Book Award for Best Non-Fiction, Multi-Author. The judges commended the book for its “stellar job weaving the decades and generations of Latinos in film and keeping the reader engaged.” See the longer story in Utah State Today. Congratulations on this prestigious honor to Dr. Gonzalez and his co-author, Frederick Luis Aldama from The Ohio State University!

The book’s publisher, the University of Arizona Press, describes the impetus for the book and its achievement:

“Latinx representation in the popular imagination has infuriated and befuddled the Latinx community for decades. These misrepresentations and stereotypes soon became as American as apple pie. But these cardboard cutouts and examples of lazy storytelling could never embody the rich traditions and histories of Latinx peoples. Not seeing real Latinxs on TV and film reels as kids inspired the authors to dive deep into the world of mainstream television and film to uncover examples of representation, good and bad. The result: a riveting ride through televisual and celluloid reels that make up mainstream culture.

Cover of Gonzalez's Book

Stereotypes such as drug lords, petty criminals, buffoons, and sexed-up lovers have filled both small and silver screens—and the minds of the public. Aldama and González blaze new paths through Latinx cultural phenomena that disrupt stereotypes, breathing complexity into real Latinx subjectivities and experiences. In this grand sleuthing sweep of Latinx representation in mainstream TV and film that continues to shape the imagination of U.S. society, these two Latinx pop culture authorities call us all to scholarly action." 

Read more here:  Reel Latinxs

Congratulations to Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Aldama!


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