November 6, 2022

After three years of virtual conferences, the Western Literature Association convened in Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 20-23, 2022. The organization and its journal were housed for many years at Utah State University, and Sabine Barcatta continues as Director of Operations. Six faculty members—current and emeritus—presented at this year’s gathering.

Beth Buyserie, along with Marie Drews of Luther College, presented on “Forming Queer Worlds in Tillie Walden’s Are You Listening?"

Travis Franks, who is a new Assistant Professor in the English Department and who serves on the WLA Executive Council, presented “Philip Caputo’s
Crossers: Post 9/11 Borderlands as Frontier Palimpsest.”

Noted Willa Cather scholar and Professor Emeritus Evelyn Funda shared new details about the Sadileks of Red Cloud, the Czech family who served as inspiration for My Ántonia.

Professor Emeritus Melody Graulich participated in the creative writing session, reading her flash fiction “A Family Vacation near Akumal.” Dr. Graulich was also commended by the organization for her leadership of the WLA Awards Committee for several years.

Associate Professor Keri Holt presented “The Nineteenth-Century Routes of Spanish Colonial Exploration.”

Distinguished Professor Joyce Kinkead presented “What the Cluck? The Rise of Chicken Lit.” Kinkead funds the Dorys Crow Grover Award for outstanding graduate student papers, which recognizes two individuals.

The 2023 WLA Conference will be hosted at the Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho.