October 6, 2023
English Club and Sigma Tau Delta

September was a busy month for the English Club and Sigma Tau Delta. Sigma Tau held their induction of new members and installation of officers on September 20. Six new members were inducted: Shayna Butler, William Clark, Ariel Longorio, Zach Brady, Krishelle Gibson, and Samuel Rowles. On September 26 the international Sigma Tau Delta organization broadcast a webinar with US Poet Laureate Ada Limon.  

On September 28 the English Club gathered for their first meeting of the semester and exuberantly worked on cut-up-poetry under the captain-ship of Basil Payne. Last but not least, on September 30 the English Club and Sigma Tau Delta held a poetry read-a-thon in Swenson Park. Students read poems by May Swenson, two faculty members—C.R. Grimmer and Ben Gunsberg—read their own poetry, and students and community members participated in an open mic.

Club members are busy working on planning future events including Poe in the Dark to be held the last week in October.