October 28, 2022
Jessica Garfield

The English Department celebrates Jessica Garfield Swasey as the English Teaching Emphasis Student of the Year for 2021-2022.

The English Teaching faculty nominated Jessica for this award for being a phenomenal student and for her helpful contributions as an Undergraduate Teaching Fellow. In her time at USU, she offered valuable insights to and support for her peers. For her student teaching, she chose to work in Roosevelt on the Northern Ute reservation.

About her time here, Jessica offered, “I'm very grateful for the experience I had studying English Teaching at Utah State University. I was blessed with many great professors who taught me the skills I would need to be a good teacher. Soon, I am looking forward to teaching full time, likely in Duchesne County School District at the middle school level. My goal is to reach out to students who are often ignored in order to help them learn to express themselves in effective and healthy ways. I love my students and can't wait to get started!”