December 1, 2023
On November 17th the English Department hosted the Composition Program Mini Conference,
with first-year graduate instructors presenting on their pedagogical research. The Composition
Program regularly hosts professional development sessions aimed at bringing together graduate
instructors, lecturers, and adjuncts to share ideas and best practices, and this mini conference was
an opportunity for early career educators to share their pedagogical expertise. Attendees had the
option to attend one of three concurrent sessions.

One session, Engagement + Motivation: Tools for Re-Evaluating Learning Experience in the
Modern Classroom, featured Rebecca Schallon, Mustafa Cingoz, Steve Shumway, Sydney
Brooks, and Mya Bethers.

Another, Inside Out: Unraveling Traditional Modes of Education, featured Tegan Weight,
Amrutha Smith, Audrey Hansen, Cassidy Crosby, and Samuel Rowles.

And Embracing Change: Radical Re-interpretations of the Composition Classroom featured
Melanie Kimball, Cara Haderlie, Paul Burdiss, Mason Goodrich, and Drake Hansen.

“One of the challenges of any Composition Program is ensuring that busy teachers have multiple
opportunities to learn about current research trends in the discipline,” notes Director of
Composition Beth Buyserie. “Additionally, because graduate instructors (GIs) often teach in the
program for only a few years, it can be challenging for GIs, lecturers, and adjunct instructors to
find enough opportunities to learn from each other and interact as colleagues. Having the GIs
present their research at the Professional Development sessions addresses both challenges: GIs
present current composition research, which they complete as part of their graduate coursework,
and all composition teachers in the program have the opportunity to dialogue and apply this
research to their individual pedagogies.”