April 15, 2022

English Department Graduate Students and Faculty in IEEE Transactions Special Issue

English Department Technical Communication and Rhetoric graduate students Sam Clem, Ryan Cheek, Hannah Stevens, and Jamal-Jared Alexander, along with Associate Dean of CHaSS Rebecca Walton, were recently publishedin the IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication special issue on Enacting Social Justice in Professional Communication.

Sam and Ryan collaborated on “Unjust Revisions: A Social Justice Framework for Technical Editing,” which discusses how “to challenge [. . .] linguistic hegemony in technical editing and provide technical editors with theoretical and practical foundations for developing a more inclusive editing practice.” 

Sam Clem PortraitSam Clem Portrait

Hannah authored “‘I Don’t Have a Gun Stop Shooting’: Rhetorical Analysis of Law Enforcement Use of Force Policy Documents” in which she argues that “technical communicators have a responsibility to insert themselves in issues of injustice.”

hannah stevens portrain

Jamal-Jared and Rebecca co-authored “Relational Recruiting: Using Black Feminist Theory to Inform Graduate Recruiting Strategies.” In it, they argue in favor of establishing“ an annual graduate program recruiting trip to visit Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and majority-minority universities,” identifying “two major priorities that should inform recruiting efforts: building relationships and enhancing inclusivity.”

jamal-jaredrebecca walton portrait




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