September 8, 2023

The USU English Department has named Ericka Stone the 2022-23 Literature Student of the Year. 

During her time at USU, Ericka has served as president and treasurer of Sigma Tau Delta and conducted an honors capstone project on young adult dystopian literature. In Spring 2023, Ericka presented her work on the topic at the USU Research Symposium as well as the Sigma Tau Delta international conference for a second time. Her research accomplishments, including a grant from the Cache Valley Historical Society, led her to be named English Undergraduate Researcher of the Year in 2021-22. 

Professor Keri Holt calls Ericka “an outstanding researcher who has regularly engaged in independent research projects.” Professor Christine Cooper-Rompato says she “asks great questions and likes to track down sources” that shed new light on her subjects. The Literature committee is proud to name Ericka Stone the Student of the Year. 

Reflecting on her experiences at USU, Ericka says, “Studying at USU has been a formative experience on my educational pathway, and I am grateful for the faculty mentors and departmental opportunities that made my education at USU unforgettable. In addition to my classes, organizations such as Sigma Tau Delta, Undergraduate Research, and the Honors program have encouraged me to explore my interests, grow my perspective, and challenge my intellect.” 

“The persistence and critical thinking I have developed at USU have prepared 
me to pursue future education to become a professor, museum curator, or university librarian—any career that allows me to continue learning about new people, places, and ideas.”