Rylish Moeller


Professor; UXD Lab Director

Rylish Moeller

Contact Information

Office Location: Logan (RWST 420C)
Phone: +1 435 797 8637
Email: rylish.moeller@usu.edu
Additional Information:

Educational Background

  • PhD - University of Arizona - 2004
  • MA - University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) - 1998
  • BA - UNLV - 1996


Technical communication; rhetoric; emergent technologies; computer games and gaming cultures; usability and user experience design; critical/cultural theory


Professor Moeller has been at Utah State University since 2004, where he teaches courses in technical communication, rhetorical theory, game studies, and user experience design. His research is focused on how emergent technologies affect human agency, especially within the consumer electronics and computer gaming industries. His work has appeared in Technical Communication Quarterly, Kairos, fibreculture, Game Studies, Computers and Composition Online, Present Tense, Programmatic Perspectives, the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, Works and Days, and in edited collections.

Professor Moeller enjoys serving on thesis and dissertation committees in the following areas: technical communication, rhetoric, critical cultural theory, science fiction, science and technology studies, game studies, organizational research, usability, and user centered design.

Select Publications

Petersen, E. J., & Moeller, R. M. (2016). Using antenarrative to uncover systems of power in mid-20th century policies on marriage and maternity at IBM. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 46(3), 362-386, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0047281616639473

Moeller, R. M., Walton, R., & Price, R. J. (2015). Participant agency and mixed methods: Viewing divergent data through the lens of genre field analysis. Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society, 5(1), http://www.presenttensejournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/MoellerWaltonPrice.pdf

deWinter, J. & Moeller, R. M. (Eds.). (2014). Computer Games and Technical Communication: Critical Methods and Applications at the Intersection. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. 334 pages. ISBN: 978-1-4724-2640-6