Jeffrey R. Smitten


Professor Emeritus

Jeffrey R.  Smitten

Contact Information



Jeffrey R. Smitten joined the USU faculty in 1990 as Department Head, and under his leadership, the unit advanced several initiatives, including the professional technical writing and communication program. He has published The Life of William Robertson Minister, Historian, and Principal with Edinburgh University Press and edited Dugald Stewart’s biography of Robertson. With Richard B. Sher, he co-edited Scotland and America in the Age of the Enlightenment, and, with Sher and Nicholas Phillipson, an edition of Robertson’s Works. Dr. Smitten is editing The Correspondence of William Robertson with Felix Waldman of Cambridge University to be published by Edinburgh University Press in 2024. He has also served as Executive Secretary of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. In retirement, he continues his research agenda and participates in USU’s Latin Lab in the Classical Studies program.