Brian McCuskey


Department Head | English

Brian McCuskey

Contact Information

Office Location: Logan (RWST 203)
Phone: +1 435 797 2733
Additional Information:

Educational Background

  • PhD - University of Michigan - 1995
  • MA - University of Michigan - 1991
  • BA - University of North Carolina - 1989


Dr. Brian McCuskey is Professor and Department Head of English. His research interests include science and religion in the Victorian novel, the history of detective fiction, and neo-Victorian adaptation. He is the author of How Sherlock Pulled the Trick: Spiritualism and the Pseudoscientific Method (Penn State University Press, 2021). He has published articles in PMLA, Novel, Victorian Literature and Culture, and The Journal of Popular Culture. His article on “Sherlock Holmes and Intelligent Design,” published in The Quarterly Review of Biology, received an Honorable Mention for the North American Victorian Studies Association Donald Gray Prize in 2013. Dr. McCuskey has taught courses and supervised graduate theses on nineteenth-century British literature, the history of the novel, film studies, and critical theory.