Learning Objectives: Technical Communication & Rhetoric

For the Technical Communication and Rhetoric Emphasis in the department’s BA/BS degrees, the three key Learning Objectives are: 

  1. Demonstrates technological literacy by demonstrating that they keep up with technology trends in the field and are able to learn new technologies quickly and effectively
  2. Demonstrates rhetorical literacy by showing evidence of understanding rhetorical situations and the factors that can cause messages to succeed or fail; perceiving rhetoric at work in their stories and examples; and communicating their own abilities
  3. Demonstrates ethical literacy by discussing impacts of their work beyond the assignment or classroom, especially among underrepresented users and audiences; demonstrating a responsibility for how others experience and are affected by their work; being attuned to perpetuating or rejecting oppressive structures; articulating a code of ethics; showing empathy and self-reflexivity; and/or calling attention to matters of