Learning Objectives: Literature

For the Literature Emphasis in the English BA/BS degrees, the three key Learning Objectives are:

1. Students can reach compelling conclusions through the development of critical arguments, professional documents, or creative texts. Specifically, student work shows evidence that the student understands how to reach compelling conclusions and does so with competence in the following ways:

    • Comes to a conclusion
    • Conclusion is convincing
    • Provides textual support for the conclusion
2. Students can weigh alternative systems of thought or approaches, recognizing their assumptions and implications. Specifically, student work shows evidence that the student understands alternative approaches and employs them with competence in the following ways:
    • Refers to alternative approaches
    • Refers to the assumptions behind the approaches
    • Refers to the implications of the approaches
3. Students can communicate ideas effectively through writing. Specifically, student work shows evidence that the student understands how to communicate ideas effectively in the following ways:
    • Free of problems at the sentence level (syntax, usage, grammar)
    • Uses clear and descriptive language
    • Flows well from paragraph to paragraph