Program Description: Master of Arts/Sciences in English

The Master of Science/Master of Arts in English (Literature and Writing specialization) is one of five graduate degrees offered by the Department of English.

This is a traditional research-based program. Coursework follows a program of study developed in conjunction with a student’s major professor and graduate committee. The program of study must meet the core requirements of the department and graduate school, and it also includes courses pertinent to the student’s research project and later career goals. Students must demonstrate a mastery of their subject area to their supervisory committee during an oral thesis defense of their research and/or creative activity.

Below is a table that describes the number of students enrolled in the English program since Fall 2014. Our program enrollments have reduced by 50% since Fall 2014, an issue we are addressing by increasing our graduate instructorship salaries, attempting to reduce our heavy graduate teaching loads, and advocating for more tuition awards from the college in order to attract more enrollees.


Total number of active students enrolled (1st and 2nd year combined)

Fall 2016 (projected) 13 (projected), including 5 new entering students.
Spring 2016 19
Fall 2015 21
Spring 2015 24
Fall 2014 27