Learning Objectives: Creative Writing

For the Creative Writing Emphasis in the BA/BS degrees, the three key Learning Objectives are:

  1. Students can identify and artfully explain significant questions (writing for an audience). Specifically, student work shows evidence that the student understands the concept of writing for an audience and executes it with competence in the following specific areas:
    • Tone of writing invites reader into the work
    • Anticipates and addresses potential resistances on the part of the reader
    • Presents a matter that the reader will care about or makes a good case why the reader should care about the topic
  1. Students gather and analyze relevant information in writing. Specifically, student work shows evidence that the student understands the concept of writing for an audience and executes it with competence in the following specific areas:
    • Provides appropriate credit or citing of others’ ideas
    • Shows knowledge of the appropriate body of literature associated with the genre and subject of the writing
    • Develops and original artistic vision, thesis, or research contribution
  1. Students can communicate ideas effectively through writing. Specifically, student work shows evidence that the student understands how to communicate ideas effectively in the following ways:
    • Free of problems at the sentence level (syntax, usage, grammar)
    • Uses clear and descriptive language
    • Flows well from paragraph to paragraph