
Archaeology Track
Major, Minor


Archaeology is the study of human societies through the recovery and examination of material culture. Students can expect to learn about a fascinating array of human populations, their unique patterns of behavior, and what we can tell about them by the material culture they have left behind. 

Career Application

Archaeologists study human culture by analyzing the objects people have made. They carefully remove from the ground such things as pottery and tools, and they map the locations of houses, trash pits, and burials in order to learn about the daily lives of a people. Like other areas of anthropology, archaeologists are concerned with explaining differences and similarities in human societies across space and time.

Archaeology Field School

Students on an archaeology field school trip to Idaho

Anthropology students at Utah State have the opportunity to participate in different Archaeological & Ethnographic Field Schools, where they can experience what archaeologists do on a daily basis. 

USU's Museum of Anthropology

Museum of Anthropology entrance

USU's Museum of Anthropology houses a diverse collection of anthropological artifacts so visitors can learn in-depth about many present and past populations. Students have the opportunity to obtain internships or apprenticeships at the musuem under the direction of Museum Director, Molly Cannon.

Alumni Advice

Jason Nelson

Tune in to watch Jason Nelson (BS JCOM Public Relations & Corporate Communication) discussing interviewing skills.

The Value of an Inclusive Education

Listen in as several alumni of color reflect on their time at USU and discuss its impact on their careers. Learn from their professional experiences to consider how multicultural education affects students at USU.

Young Alums Panel

Young alums give advice and information about career options post-graduation at our Alumni Lunch Series.

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Suggested Supplements


Anthropology Emphases


Scholarships & Financial Aid

  • Utah State University offers many options for financial aid, including university level scholarships and aid available to specific colleges and majors.