
General Track
Major, Minor

A student and professor observe information through a GPS device


Anthropology is the study of all cultures across time and space, the study of what makes us human. Through comparative studies, anthropologists determine how people of the world are similar and different. They engage in issues relating to modern society, such as health care, human rights, law, urban development, and global population. The program focuses on the subdiscipline areas of cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, environmental anthropology, and archaeology.

Students are encouraged (but not required) to select a track from among the four subspecialties in Anthropology: Cultural/Applied Anthropology; Biological Anthropology; Environmental Change, Community Engagement, and Wellness Anthropology; or Archaeology/Cultural Resource Management. Students who choose the “General Anthropology” option (e.g., those students who do not wish to specialize in any of the four listed tracks) complete 27 credits from any of the specialized courses.

Career Application

Anthropologists take a broad approach to understanding the many different aspects of the human experience, which we call holism. They consider the past, through archaeology, to see how human groups lived hundreds or thousands of years ago and what was important to them. They consider what makes up our biological bodies and genetics, as well as our bones, diet, and health. Anthropologists also try to understand how people interact in social relationships. They look at the different ways people dress and communicate in different societies.

Students studying anthropology at Utah State University are prepared for careers in numerous fields through the skills and knowledge they gain in both the liberal arts and natural sciences. Graduates of USU’s anthropology program are in-depth thinkers with effective reading and writing skills and the ability to solve problems across the humanities and natural sciences.

Alumni Advice

Jason Nelson

Tune in to watch Jason Nelson (BS JCOM Public Relations & Corporate Communication) discussing interviewing skills.

The Value of an Inclusive Education

Listen in as several alumni of color reflect on their time at USU and discuss its impact on their careers. Learn from their professional experiences to consider how multicultural education affects students at USU.

Young Alums Panel

Young alums give advice and information about career options post-graduation at our Alumni Lunch Series.

Field Schools

Students digging on an archaeology field school trip to Idaho

Anthropology students at Utah State have the opportunity to participate in many different Archaeological and Ethnographic Field Schools, where they can experience what anthropologists do on a daily basis. 

Hands-on Learning

Two students studying animal bones in USU's Osteology Lab

USU Anthropology proudly offers many hands-on experiences for students, such as the Osteology and Zooarchaeology Lab. The lab is equipped with a variety of skeletal specimens for study.


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Suggested Supplements


Anthropology Emphases


Scholarships & Financial Aid

  • Utah State University offers many options for financial aid, including university level scholarships and aid available to specific colleges and majors.