Richley Crapo


Professor Emeritus

Richley Crapo

Educational Background

Ph.D. 1970, in Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology, University of Utah

M.A. 1968, in Anthropology, University of Utah

B.A. 1967, in Anthropology and German and a minor in Ancient History, California State University, Fullerton


Like many Anthropologists, Dr. Crapo began his university studies in another field. He originally planned to major in mathematics, but became enamored with Anthropology after taking a course about Native North Americans. As a graduate student, Dr. Crapo chose to specialize in Linguistics and Cultural Anthropology - focusing his efforts in the Great Basin and Mesoamerica. While a USU faculty member, Dr. Crapo taught a variety of courses centered on religion, aesthetics, personality, and gender.