Frequently Asked Questions

Community-Engaged Scholar Network

What is the Community-Engaged Scholar Network?

CESN hopes to encourage USU faculty, staff, and students to connect to their communities via community-engaged research and projects. As opportunities arise through the network and various USU organizations; teams of Faculty, Staff, Students, and Community partners with applicable skills will be gathered to meet the needs of that project. Opportunities for learning, connection, and engagement will be facilitated by the network.

What does the Community-Engaged Scholar Network do?

The objectives of CESN to connect and support faculty, students, and community partners are to:

● Study and disseminate knowledge about pressing issues impacting communities in Utah and beyond.

● Put into action and evaluate evidence-informed solutions to build strong, resilient, and inclusive communities.

● Expand knowledge about pressing issues and evidence-informed practice and teaching through the open-access platforms.

● Facilitate mutually beneficial, community-based experiential teaching and learning opportunities.


Who should apply to become a member?

Faculty, staff, or students from all Utah State University campuses in any discipline or academic background interested in community-engaged research, teaching, and service are encouraged to become members. Community members or organizations who would be interested in partnering with our team are also encouraged to apply.


Can I apply to the Community-Engaged Scholar Network even if I haven’t done Community Engaged Research before?

Yes, all applications to the network will be considered even if you haven’t participated in similar projects. However, in the application process please highlight relevant skills and desire to participate in Community Engaged Scholarship. Please be aware that the CESN exclusively works on projects that are community engaged.


What are some of the benefits of becoming a member?

● A database of scholar profiles from USU

● Links to repositories featuring the work of CESN scholars.

● Opportunities and events for networking and research sharing

● Professional Development opportunities in the form of training, conference opportunities, and consultation options.

● As resources are available, CESN may also provide small funding opportunities for projects and support in the open-access dissemination of research.


What types of activities or events does CESN host?

CESN will host multiple events for scholars to network and connect with academics, experts, students, and community leaders who are engaged in addressing pressing social issues in Utah. We will also host quarterly training on topics related to community-engaged research and scholarship. These may be combined with networking and connection events.


Do I need an ORCHiD to become a member of CESN?

Faculty, staff, or students will be required to set up an ORCHiD account and are responsible for regularly updating that profile. Community members or organizations who are members would not be required to create an account, but are still responsible for membership requirements and communicating any changes needed on CESN website profile.


How can I get help to set up my ORCHiD as Student, Staff or Faculty?

If you need help setting this up, please visit USU’s guide at the website below. There are written instructions for how to sign up and the link to schedule a consultation for additional help. Please review the CESN requirements for ORCHiD accounts located on the Directory Page or our website.

Library Guide:


Who can I reach out to for more information about this?

Our email is a great way to reach us.


What other opportunities are available for undergraduate students to participate in?

We highly encourage all undergraduate students to apply for the Christensen Scholar Program through the Center for Community Engagement. Learn more about that opportunity here:


There are a number of other great programs available at the Center for Community Engagement for undergraduate students, learn more about all opportunities here: