Productive Mind

Productive Mind® was developed as a business application of the I-System Model which optimizes one’s mindset for resilience, and optimal performance and productivity.

About the Program

The Productive Mind Program helps individuals achieve a productive mind-body state by teaching them Productive Mind Skills or practices they can apply to daily work and personal life. These practices belong to an evidence-based suite of interventions derived from the I-System Model of Human Behavior called Mind-Body Bridging. These practices cultivate present-focused awareness of one's body, thoughts, and emotions and facilitate understanding of the psychological mechanisms behind maladaptive mind-body states that inhibit productivity. Incorporating these practices into one's daily activities will promote productivity in the workplace (at the individual and team levels) while enhancing general wellbeing and quality of life. Moreover, these practices can be applied to improve collective productivity (e.g., teamwork).




The Productive Mind Program is presented in a clear, descriptive style full of interesting and engaging exercises that support movement from unhelpful mind states and rigidly constraining bodily sensations to more open states of adaptive awareness and embodied sensing. From the personal perspective, it offers a way to see work as an occasion not only for career development but for developing our human potential at a profound level. From the organizational perspective, the program assumes that workers are not mere means for achieving corporate goals.

Mark Edwards, PhD Assistant Professor Jönköping International Business School Jönköping University

Outstanding leadership and a great organization always seemed out of reach until I discovered the Productive Mind. I read countless personal, business, and leadership development books and have taken many leadership and management courses in my 25-year career. They all seemed to revolve around a core set of themes on how one should act or be and how good organizations become great. I struggled to become the Swiss Army Knife of leadership expectations demanded by myself, colleagues, and the world. That is until I learned the model and tools of the Productive Mind. I found the Productive Mind to be a transformative way of unlocking greatness in myself, teams, and organizations. It's accomplished not by adding ways of being but by actively removing the things that prevent one's innate greatness. In one executive team, we used the Productive Mind tools to identify and remove things that prevented us from working with greater confidence in each other. After practicing the tools, we found greater understanding, safety, and care for each other and the company. This effort led to better, faster decisions and more generous support from everyone. The organization could see and feel that change as they interacted with the senior management team.

Scott Betts, Business Executive