By I-System Institute | January 10, 2023
stan and carolyn block
Stan and Carolyn Block


What keeps people from healing?  

This is the question psychiatrist Stanley H. Block, M.D., decided to pursue after an extensive 40-year career from numerous academic appointments, working in private practice in Beverly Hills, CA , with the rich and famous, to supervising psychiatric hospitals in Maine.   

Searching for an answer to this question led Dr. Block and his wife, Carolyn Bryant Block, a trained mental health therapist, to discover what is now known as the Identity System (or I-System), which, when overactive, causes one to experience mind-clutter and body tension, leaving them unable to think clearly and function at their best. In this dysfunctional mind-body state, the mind and body no longer work in harmony, inhibiting one's ability to heal both mentally and physically. This important discovery led Dr. Block and Carolyn to develop Mind-Body Bridging (MBB).  

MBB practices remove the hindrance the I-System produces, enabling the body and mind to work together harmoniously (a mind-body state called Natural Functioning), thereby facilitating healing at a more rapid and uninhibited pace. The I-System Model of Human Behavior and MBB have been used worldwide to help thousands from all walks of life to improve their quality of life.