Heravi Peace Institute Mission Statement

The mission and purpose of the Heravi Peace Institute (HPI) is to promote direct, structural, and cultural peace through a four-fold approach involving teaching, research, praxis, and public outreach. The Heravi Peace Institute (HPI) recognizes that peace is not the absence of conflict; peace is an enduring commitment to nonviolence and human flourishing that comes with a complex and nuanced understanding of how peace and conflict function in our world. We build peace through the proactive implementation of attitudes, skills, structures, and institutions that practice nonviolent collaboration and conflict transformation at the personal, interpersonal, family, community, itier-group, national, and international levels. 

With generous support from donors, HPI is committed to fulfilling its mission, starting with the following initiatives:

  1.  Developing a product peacebuilding curriculum for USU students
  2. Facilitating peacebuilding internships and other experiential opportunities for USU students  
  3. Fostering on-campus student-focused initiatives that promote a climate of through the application of peacebuilding practices
  4. Connecting USU students with policymakers, civil society leaders, and peace practitioners 
  5. Supporting peacebuilding research by USU faculty
  6. Hosting visiting scholars for short-term residencies at USU
  7. Initiating and supporting community-based peacebuilding initiatives throughout the state of Utah
  8. Holding public events such as workshops and lectures
  9. Facilitating outreach and public education activities such as blogs, videos, and podcasts
  10. Educating policymakers through working papers, consultation, and training.