Tyson Barrett

Research Assistant Professor

Tyson Barrett

Contact Information

Phone: 435-797-0120
Email: tyson.barrett@usu.edu


Hello, I’m Tyson. I am a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Utah State University. My research stems from a merging of data science, quantitative psychology, and public health. My main interest in the combination of these fields is developing methodologies and tools for complex human data. Arguably, academia has come short in providing useful, open-source tools for both research and the clinic. My lab—the Social Data Lab—seeks to develop tools that simplify, extend, or otherwise improve current approaches. Thus far, I have helped develop tools for streamlining data summarization, for automated scoring in common tests for communicative disorders, and am working on ways to ease data manipulation for those not comfortable with programming tools like R.

I am also an applied methodologist, working on projects funded by the NSF and NIH grants as the statistician on the various teams. My applied work is highly collaborative and often interdisciplinary. In addition to my own research, I consult on data science issues for the College of Education and Human Services (including public health, education, psychology, and other social sciences).

I also teach methodology and statistical courses for both undergraduates and graduates, including EDUC 6050, EDUC 6600, EDUC 7610, and PSY 3500.

On a personal level, I enjoy sports, hiking, and playing with my kids.

I am interested in accepting students to work in my lab with a strong background in statistical or data analytical methods who are interested in convergence of data science, quantitative psychology, and public health.