The Mehdi Heravi Global Teaching and Learning Center Grand Opening

The Mehdi Heravi Global Teaching and Learning Center (MHGTLC) is a long-awaited addition — not only to Utah State University’s historic Quad but to our vibrant educational landscape.

Join the excitement of the grand opening of the MHGTLC on October 11, 2024. The new center will bring USU's Department of World Languages & Cultures under one roof and put students in an environment dedicated to broader resources and greater connection among the many majors and non-majors who take language classes at Utah State.

Rooms within the new facility will offer access to technology, materials, and spaces that facilitate learning, conversation, reflection, and collaboration, helping USU's next generation of graduates prepare for an increasingly global world.

To learn more about our progress, take a sneak peek inside and discover a state-of-the-art facility with space to create community, take advantage of new translation programs, and participate in immersive language experiences designed to give USU students the skills to succeed in careers in business, education, government, nonprofits, and beyond.

We’re excited to share this new facility with our students and faculty as well as our alumni and friends who have supported this project, which started with a discussion in 2015. Through the generosity of donors like Mehdi Heravi, Bob and DeAnn Fehlman, James Ratcliff, Ara Serjoie, Rosco Tolman, the State of Utah, the O.C. Tanner Foundation, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this project is almost at the finish line.

Mark your calendars to join us in October and learn how you can have a lasting impact on USU’s new Global Teaching and Learning Center. Through gifts large and small, everyone can become a friend of languages. Give now to support this project and your fellow Aggies!

Grand Opening Information

Friday, October 11, 2024
2:00 p.m.
Logan Campus Quad

Celebrate the unveiling of a new home for World Languages and Cultures at Utah State University as we open the doors to the Mehdi Heravi Global Teaching and Learning Center.
Your contribution can make a difference. 

To get involved, contact:

Justin Barton
Justin Barton 
Senior Development Officer

The Mehdi Heravi Global Teaching and Learning Center