Leaked Pentagon files have repercussions for the U.S. around the globe

By Hailey Brown | April 12, 2023
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The Pentagon - the Department of Defense building in Arlington, VA 

Hailey Brown - The recent leak of confidential Department of Defense documents has created far-reaching implications for the U.S. and its allies. Some of the most concerning effects may be hits to Ukraine’s coalition of support and their ongoing defense against Russia, and possible damage to U.S. alliances. The United States now must answer to the source of the leak while mitigating the potential harm from the exposed information. These documents are entwined in the U.S.’s geopolitical code, which informs decisions on foreign affairs, between alliances, and against enemies. 

Pages of leaked documents provide insight into the Russia-Ukraine war, including the State’s intel into Russian operations. This intelligence has likely been helpful to Ukraine’s war efforts, warning them of when and where attacks might occur. But the leak puts this pipeline of information at risk, as it alerts Russia to the breach in its security. Ukraine’s position is further compromised as the extent of the role of the U.S. in the war has been exposed. The U.S.  is the number one provider of aid to Ukraine, though it still relies on a large amount of aid from other countries. Israel has hesitated to provide weaponry to Ukraine. The documents say additional pressure from the U.S. could change their peaceful approach to providing aid and suggest possible pathways to do so without provoking Russia. Similarly, the documents also reveal the U.S. has been unsuccessful in obtaining additional artillery from South Korea over concerns it may be sent to Ukraine. So, while the leak first and foremost disrupts the United States' place in the geopolitical arena, its breadth has impacted the dynamic of war efforts going forward. 

The Department of Defense and its operations do not just impact the United States. They impact the whole globe, as the U.S. is a key player in geopolitics across all scales. Key to this reach is the many allies America has around the world. Thus, maintaining the security of classified documents is highly important due to the extensive reach of information handled by the DoD. South Korea’s alliance with the U.S. was tested as the documents implied that the U.S. has been spying on South Korean operatives. Covert operations such as spying could damage the mutual trust between allies, a blunder the U.S. has been exposed for committing in the past. However, South Korea’s President stated there was no such harm. Leaks like last week’s prompt extensive investigations into security weaknesses, and damage control that crosses across all kinds of foreign affairs.

Image source: "DoD photo by Master Sgt. Ken Hammond, U.S. Air Force.," Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons