The people of a war-torn country

By Carilyn Pointer | October 21, 2023
Kidnapped by Hamas posters 2023 in LA

Kidnapped by Hamas posters 2023 in LA

Carilyn Pointer - On October 7th Hamas invaded Israel in a surprise attack via land, air, and sea. The conflict continues to gain momentum as Israel retaliates with missiles and Hamas holds over 200 women, men, and children hostage. Most recently, a hospital in Gaza was also hit in a disputed incident causing the death toll to rise. While this is certainly a geopolitical event, it is important to look at the scale of the conflict to gain perspective and see how as bystanders we can best show up for those involved.

The concept of scale defines the geographic extent of political actions. This means that we can look at highly politicized and reported events, such as the conflict in Israel and understand how it spans from the global to the individual level. The global scale of the conflict in Israel is apparent as coverage of the event is spread worldwide. Countries around the world are responding and deciding how to respond. The U.S. specifically, is supporting Israel by sending aid to Gaza, backing Israel’s response to the invasion, and verbally condemning Hamas. On the national level, the effects of this conflict continue as both Palestinians and Israelis flee and become displaced from their homes. Israel as a government must decide how to respond to the attacks to best protect their people. Israel’s response to the attacks thus far have been relentless and there are many people uncertain if the best course of action is being taken. While this is a fair concern, it is important to view this within the context and understand that the Hamas invasion is akin to 9/11. During Biden’s visit to Israel, he made that exact reference and mentioned the “all-consuming rage” felt by the U.S and likely Israel as well. He tried to admonish Israel to not make decisions from a place of irrationality due to the emotional response of such a tragedy.

The emotional effects of the conflict directly connect to the final scale: the individual. While many of us are witnessing this conflict from the safety of our screens, the reality is vastly different for those who are directly involved in the conflict or have family that are impacted. People are actively suffering. Many people are injured, dead, or have loved ones being held hostage. This is a global event, but more importantly regardless of nationality (Israeli or Palestinian), people are suffering. As bystanders, we may not be able to change the course of the conflict on the global scale, but there is something we can do. We can as individuals reach out to those suffering in our local community and grieve with them and show our support. One human to another.

Photo Credit:Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0