Iranian voices will not be silenced

By Carilyn Pointer | December 17, 2022
Iran solidarity protests in Melbourne, Australia

Iran solidarity protests in Melbourne, Australia

Carilyn Pointer – In response to growing protests, the Iran government has begun to publicly hang prisoners. The most recent victim, 23-year-old Majid Reza Rahnavard, worked at a fruit stand. The theocratic government of Iran has perpetuated their control because of their ideological power, but could be losing to the will of the people.

Ideological power is the idea that people will follow the political goals that are of greater benefit to the more powerful, because that is “what is done.” This is how the authoritarian government has maintained control over the country up to this point. They have regulated what is and is not acceptable in terms of morality, dress, and travel. Those that refuse to abide by these laws are labeled as “radical” or “unrealistic.” They are then imprisoned or silenced. The protests that began in September against these rules have changed the narrative as they have continued to gain in momentum and strength. Now, the protestors are no longer a minority of radicals, they are becoming the norm and effectively challenging the government. Iranians are out on the streets chanting, “with each person killed a thousand will rise up,” and they mean it. The government’s ideological power that for so long allowed them to control their people willingly and without considering other options, is slipping. The people have realized their own power and are seemingly breaking free from the ideological power of the government that for so long kept them caged. The public executions are a last-ditch attempt at regaining control. However, instead of coercing people, the executions have only incentivized the protestors more.

As the protestors grow in number and resolve, the possibility of a revolution looms. If a revolution does occur the territory of Iran may be changed as well. Territory is often defined by putting boundaries around a space and calling everything within that space a single unit. With other powerful countries looking to establish dominance, the territory of Iran may be contested if a powerful government isn’t established.
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