The West enters the Ukraine-Russia war

By Carilyn Pointer | January 18, 2023
British Challenger 2 tanks

British Challenger 2 tanks

Carilyn Pointer - Close to a year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Britain has sent Challenger 2 tanks and other military equipment to aid in the war. Until this point, Western countries (the U.S. and Europe) have been offering support and aid through softer means, and defensive weapons. The shift in the type of aid given to Ukraine, has redefined the scale of the war and is promoting other countries to invest in the war via military aid.

Scale defines the geographic extent of the political actions we are looking at. Starting at the individual level, the scale may increase in size until it reaches a global level. The Russian invasion started as a national conflict, between Ukraine and Russia. Quickly other nations responded by imposing sanctions and sending monetary aid. Even though other countries were involved, since no troops or tanks were invested, it still had the characteristics of a national level conflict. Britain offering tanks and advanced military technology has expanded the conflict to the global level. Britain is trying to further this trend of international involvement by encouraging other Western countries to offer aid as well. By increasing involvement in the war, Britain aims to tip the war in Ukraine’s favor and retain attention on this ongoing conflict. If successfully done, Ukraine will prevail with fewer casualties and Western countries won’t have to send in troops.

Geopolitical codes help countries determine how they interact with their allies and enemies. Understanding why Britain has shifted their geopolitical code in greater favor of Ukraine, helps clarify the meaning of their involvement. Britain’s aim to quickly end the war and include other western powers, may be due to their want for relevancy and power in this conflict and the broader international stage.

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