Jesse Ezra Shircliff

Graduate Student | Demography

Jesse Ezra Shircliff

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Jesse Ezra Shircliff is a Ph.D. student from Craigton, Ohio and a 2019 graduate from the Dept. of Sociology at Gettysburg College. In past projects on resource access and resource accumulation, he conducted interviews and participant observation in Mongolia, Singapore, and Japan. The bulk of his recent research has used survey data and quantitative methods to study how simultaneous forms of discrimination influence health outcomes for people in the United States, with a special emphasis on gender, race, and work/employment. Jesse's dissertation explains how embodied cues of social status influence health outcomes by exposing individuals to discrimination. Specifically, he is using survey data from the United States Transgender Survey to explore the antecedents of perceived gender conformity and its downstream effects on institutional access, institutional discrimination, and health. His advisors are Drs. Guadalupe Marquez-Velarde and Christy Glass, and he is a member of the research group, POP*HI, which studies intersectional health disparities. His writing can be found in a handful of top sociology, geography, and health science journals (Social Problems, JAMA Network Open, Work and Occupations, Geoforum, Current Issues in Tourism, and Rural Sociology). In his spare time, Jesse likes art and skiing at Beaver mountain. Candidate on the Job Market