Law & Constitutional Studies



As the only major of its kind in the Intermountain West, USU students studying in this track have a unique opportunity to participate in a thorough introduction to the study of law and politics with an emphasis in the American Constitution. Students in this track will learn how constitutional thought is developed through a study of history, theory, and economics. As part of their study, students will also gain knowledge about natural and civil rights, market economies, self-governing citinzenry and voluntary associations.

Real World Application

After graduation, students will be well-equipped to move on to graduate studies or law school. Graduates seeking employment after graduation will be prepared to pursue employment as lobbyists, intelligence analysts, campaign consultants or as staff in the U.S. Senate and House.

Program Highlights

College Democrats

As a branch of the College Democrats of America, this organization works to engage students in local, state and national issues and elections through student volunteer work.

Pi Sigma Alpha

Join the only national honors society in the United States dedicated to students of political science.

Pre-Law Study Group

Prepare for a career in law or continued education in law school by attending conferences, lectures, panels and LSAT study sessions.

Study Abroad

Expose yourself to other cultures, learn new languages and enrich your college experience through international travel and study.

Alumni Advice

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Scholarships & Financial Aid

  • Utah State University offers many options for financial aid, including university level scholarships and aid available to specific colleges and majors.