February 26, 2024
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Sarah Fitzgerald

How JCOM alumna Sarah Fitzgerald found success in marketing and entrepreneurship 

Madelyn Napier, writer

Sarah Fitzgerald graduated from Utah State University in 2014 with a bachelor’s of science degree in communication studies and a minor in journalism emphasis in public relations). Sheworks for Evergreen Consulting Group and recently started her own company, Fitz Trips. 

Reflecting on her time at USU, Fitzgerald praised the JCOM Department for giving her mentors who provided connections she needed to start her career.

“I took Steve Reiher’s introduction to public relations course and really loved it. I then TA’d for Steve and ended up getting an internship in college through the Utah Department of Transportation,” Fitzgerald says. “That actually brought in the connections I needed to start my career.”

After working with UDOT, Fitzgerald did a second internship with Intermountain Health. These internships led to Fitzgerald accepting a job with Penna Powers during her last semester at USU.

“I would definitely say the internship experience is what led me to the positions I had because it was due to the connections I made,” Fitzgerald said. “If I hadn't taken those courses and received recommendations from my JCOM professors, I wouldn't be where I am now.”

Outside of her internship experience, Fitzgerald said JCOM classes like news writing, PR case studies, PR writing and integrated marketing communications (IMC) helped her learn through real-world scenarios which gave her skillsneeded for her career. 

Fitzgerald said, “In IMC class, we put together a product that we had to market and develop.  I remember looking back on that so many times throughout my career being like I'm actually doing this now.” 

After starting her career at Penna Powers, an advertising agency in Salt Lake City, Fitzgerald then worked for Intermountain Health managing marketing at several hospitals. She then worked at CAPSA, a Logan non-profit organization and currently works for Evergreen Consulting Group, an energy-efficiency consulting firm, as a marketing manager.

“It feels like my career has come full circle because I'm basically at an agency again,” Fitzgerald said. “I project, manage and see a marketing plan from start to finish and help implement marketing plans for my clients, one of which is Rocky Mountain Power.

“I love the environment that I work in. The work itself is a little different than what I'm used to. It definitely doesn't feel as ‘life and death’ as the work I did in healthcare or even at a nonprofit, but it's very still rewarding work,” Fitzgerald said. 

With all of the professional experiences she has collected over the years, Fitzgerald recently decided to try her hand at entrepreneurship. She started Fitz Trips in January of 2023, a travel agency she operates on her own with the help of a host agency. 

“I decided I wanted to try something on my own and do something where I have full control,” Fitzgerald said. “Using the experience I have in marketing, it's been kind of nice to know I have all the tools needed to build a thriving business. It has been a cool learning experience to have a business that I run on my own and have total creative license over; I can do whatever I want!”

Fitzgerald says she’s grateful for the current status of her career and her life. She says she feels very satisfied with the work she has been able to do and is excited for what’s to come