June 23, 2023
White blonde woman standing in front of a window
Madison Weber 

Madison Weber Embraces the College Experience

By Parker Weber 

For many students, going to college is mainly about attending classes. For JCOM student Madison Weber, a senior double-majoring in public relations and international studies with a minor is Spanish, it’s much more than that, and she embraced the college experience by getting involved with numerous clubs and organizations on campus. 

“One of my main goals coming into college was I wanted to get more out of it than just a degree, more than just a piece of paper that says that I'm qualified,” Weber said. “I really wanted to put myself in situations and positions where I could learn more and develop skills to add to my resume.”

Weber’s been involved with on-campus clubs and organizations including Blue Crew, The Student Alumni Association, Interfaith Student Association, Government Relations Council and Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), to name a few.  She also works for The Utah Statesman as a writer and was recently promoted to sports editor. 

Her involvement in so many organizations enabled Weber to gain important experience and build her resume. 

“I have been able to have a lot of leadership positions, which helped me learn teamwork, team building and coordinating communication skills,” Weber said. “Probably more than anything, communication skills and being able to talk with people who are very different from me, people who are similar to me, people that I report to or report to me and people I normally wouldn't interact with. I've been able to interact with them and develop better communication skills through all that.”

Weber credits her JCOM classes to help prepare and guide her for the different positions she's held at Utah State University.

"I've learned a lot of skills from my JCOM classes,” Weber said. Like learning to write press releases, shooting photo, videos and designing social media content. Also, public speaking, event planning and a lot of the principles that go into the public relations industry. 

While being a full-time college student, Weber worked part-time while holding positions in several clubs. She balanced them by managing her time and keeping a schedule. 

Weber suggests students get involved on campus in any sort of capacity. She is grateful for the opportunities she has being involved.

“These experiences have helped me feel confident in my abilities," Weber said. “I know in whatever job I'm going into after college, I'm going to feel confident in doing that job adequately because I've been prepared through my positions in my college career.”