June 21, 2023

White, blonde smiling woman
Kenzie Lawlor

Knowing Your Why: How USU Graduate Kenzie Lawlor Used Her "Why" to Launch Her Career

By Gabi Carter

JCOM graduate Kenzie Lawlor may not have pursued a traditional career in public relations, but she's making a difference in her everyday life by utilizing the skills she learned during her time at Utah State University.

Graduating in May 2013 with a major in public relations and a minor in communication studies, Lawlor discovered her passion for PR later in her college years, after switching her major multiple times. After landing in PR, Lawlor finally felt she had found her true calling.

Lawlor recalls her PR classes at USU emphasized the importance of understanding the "why" behind a brand or goal and effectively communicating it to the public. "That's what people with a PR background do," Lawlor explains. “They convey important details to the public. They explain the ‘why’.” 

Lawlor works at PDQ as the senior customer success manager, a software development company based in South Salt Lake. She previously worked for Instructure, USU’s Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Salt Lake agency Penna Powers.

Even though Lawlor is not in a traditional PR role now, she finds herself using the skills she learned from her PR classes in her everyday life, such as "writing emails, problem solving, communicating through phone calls and text messages plus building strong relationships.” 

The most important lesson she learned from her classes at USU, Lawlor said the significance of researching and understanding her audience and sharing the “why” in whatever form of communication you are using. 

Lawlor says her personal “why” is centered around helping others succeed. "I love the chance I have to gain greater understanding of others’ goals and leading them to the products or services that will help them have long-term success.” 

Her journey after graduating from USU has taken her on a unique career path, but her commitment to understanding her audience, sharing the "why" and helping others succeed has remained constant. And the skills she learned as part of her PR classes at USU have been invaluable in her professional and personal life. 

“While I may not be in a traditional PR role, what I learned during my time at USU helps me on a day-to-day basis as I navigate my career and build relationships with others,” Lawlor says.