March 1, 2018

A Highlight of JCOM 2180 Beginning Photojournalism.

Ethan Babcock
Ethan Babcock, Public Relations JCOM Student

Week after week, registration crawls ever closer. These can be stressful times when it
comes to deciding what classes will fulfill graduation requirements, what electives will help
round out your college experience or even what classes will help boost your portfolio, giving you the leg up on your competition when applying for internships and jobs. Many thoughts can go through one’s head when registering, and we’d like to make the panic-filled process of registration a little easier.

Each week this semester, students will highlight the many classes that are available in the
journalism and communications department. They will have the opportunity to share how those classes have helped them during their time here at Utah State University and why they believe it is an important class for other students to consider when it comes to registration.

This week, Ethan Babcock, a senior studying public relations is highlighting
JCOM 2180 Beginning Photojournalism.

What is this class?

“Beginning Photojournalism explores the history of photojournalism and the use of
photojournalism in print and electronic media. The bulk of the course is spent shooting weekly assignments to improve students' technical skills and knowledge of composition and lighting. Students will have the opportunity to tell stories with a variety of photo projects throughout the
semester. Students must have their own DSLR camera and have a basic understanding of aperture and shutter speed.”

How can I get the most out of this class?

“In order to excel in the class, students must be willing to practice as often as possible.
The weekly assignments allow room for constant growth and can challenge students. In order to
take the best photos, students must change how they view the world, using a view finder instead
of their natural sight. This class can be extremely enjoyable, as long as you do your best and
have fun taking pictures.”

How will this class help me in the future?

“Because of this class, students can add photojournalism skills and stories to their
portfolio. Although students are required to use a DSLR camera for assignments, the basic
knowledge of photography can improve any pictures they take, even on a smartphone or a small
point and shoot camera. Journalists thrive off of their ability to tell stories and by taking this
class, students can expand on how those stories are told.”



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